Structure in AISI 304 stainless steel
Output: ~ 600/900 pieces/h

An automatic machine for washing products such as raw ham during dry curing or prior to boning, speck, bacon, salami, salted dried beef and similar products hung in an aerial translation system (guideway) or in trolleys for ground transport (manual or automatic).
The products are washed exclusively using clean water in order to considerably reduce the hazard of product contamination.
On request, we can develop a washing system with recycled water specifically for the equipment, constructed of a tank or external tank unit. In this case, rinsing with clean water is carried out at the end of the high-pressure cycle.
In addition, we offer optional self-washing and detergent and sanitizer distribution systems. In these cases, all you have to do is position the containers in dedicated compartments and the chosen product will automatically be distributed in the various phases by means of dosing pumps.

The machine stands out for its easy installation – generally, only washing water drainage has to be installed – and for the scarce need for maintenance, because the problems have been eliminated regarding the filters to be replaced and the nozzles to be periodically removed and cleaned.

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      why soncini

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      Macchine Soncini Alberto srl